Monday, December 31, 2012

Hype Skull Earbuds

I think by now we have established the importance headphones are to a Metalheads armory since this is where our motivation, inspiration & concentration comes from.

Think about it, without headphones, the only thing we have to listen to our tunes are speakers, and while they do the job just fine, a concentrated dose of Metal can only be achieved through the point of a earbud (our version of the needlepoint) stuck right in our ears.

While there are plenty of headphones that can accommodate our listening habits, only a few can reach the level of the Lightning Gods, and today we look at possibly the most powerful deliverer of Thunder Strike in the cerebral cortex.

Introducing Hypes Skull Earbuds.

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Poison Cereal Bowl

Cereal. The perfect breakfast (even more so for Metalheads due to its simplicity). A simple pop open of the box, tilt to the bowl, pour some milk and before you know it you got a quick but extremely effective meal that is primarily for the morning, but can be used 24/7 without the worry of the social disaster that comes with eating brunch at 5:00 in the afternoon.

For the Legions of the Iron-Clad military, finding the right bowl depends on the risk factor. Do we play it safe and eat from "normal" bowls? Or do we take a chance at "Breakin' The Law" and hacks some persons head off, break the skull in half, and eat the cereal the most Metal way \m/

While being in prison is definitely the way to go to prove ones "Metalocity", sometimes it is more intelligent to play it smart and leave yourself out of the penitentiary so you can continue the crusade. And one way to do it is by procuring a Poison Cereal Bowl.

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Legos and Cryptopsy, Together at Last

As reported on Blabbermouth, a video utilizing Legos and music from one of the most kickass bands in the history of Death Metal has appeared from the bowels of hell (or a toybox, same place actually). The song is "Phobophile" and it is from their "None So Vile" album (I6Z6A6N NOTE: \m/ HEAVILY \m/ recommended), and the video depicts a serial killer doing what he does best, so consider this your ***DISCLAIMER***, if you find toys killing each other offensive (I do not =D ).

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hype Portable Skull Print Speakers

What delivers the music to the audience. Speakers. While some speakers are Metal by their history and association (think Marshall), most are not. This is due to the manufacturers trying to branch out to other forms of music, and the necessity of catering to the outsiders has led to their dismissal from the Halls of Metal.

Every once in a while, there comes speakers that rise to the call of Metal and provide the music while looking \m/ HEAVY \m/, and Hype is one of those companies that answered the Steel-clad calling.

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Lighted Skull

Halloween decorations. One of the most Metal things to come out of brick and mortar stores. Typically, Metalheads go into these stores for things like snacks, frozen foods, soda-pop and beer.

One type of brick and mortar store that is especially geared towards Metalheads are the pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS, since they tend to be open either real late or 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays. Like with their big-box (Walmart, Target) counterparts, the pharmacies have a seasonal section to bring the holidays to the masses.

Found at Walgreens, the Lighted Skull is one of the most \m/ METAL \m/ ways of using the Christmas lights in a Halloween decoration. See, we can *almost* get along with the Christmas holidays, as long as its under our terms.

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Skull Silly Glasses

Silly glasses. Not the most Metal creation in the world for the simple fact that it has a lifespan of about 1 hour, tops. The reason for silly glasses is mainly to celebrate a holiday and after all is said and done, they either go in the closet with the decoration box or the garbage.

The best example is the New Years glasses. These are the ones with the number of the new year that is coming up next, and you usually see it in Times Square (New York City) while everybody is waiting patiently for the big ball to drop.

So where do Metalheads fit into this equation? The Skull Silly Glasses is the answer to the aforementioned inquiry.

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Winlite Werewolf Flashlight

The Werewolf. Quite possibly the most underrated horror character to exist. You got your "A" listers like Dracula, Frankenstein and the Mummy, but for 2nd and 3rd banana status, you got the Werewolf, and the reason is pretty simple: He's just a wolf... man.

The "A" Listers have a more interesting story to tell how they came to be, and while that may be the case, the Werewolf is definitely more Metal than the 1st bananas because the animal in question is one of the most Metal creatures in the world, and if it wasn't for their existence, we wouldn't have bands that utilize the animals iconography, like Deströyer 666, Marduk and Wolfen Society (I know, I have already made this argument before, but it still stands true). A minor side-note, there is a kickass band that dedicated an album to the aforementioned and other icons of horror movies.

We look at yet another influence the Werewolf has provided to make a flashlight fit for the Metal kiddies (and even adults) during their dark cloaked trek into the streets during Halloween. The Winlite Winlite Werewolf Flashlight.

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Billy Bobs Pirate Pacifier

These days, it seems Metalheads are spawning families of their own instead of the usual hit and run tactics of yesterday. What makes families? Babies. If its a couple, ain't much of a family, but once you throw in a baby or 2, now you got the numbers needed to make the definition of the word family.

Babies, being babies, are not known for being the most quiet, and while their wails and yells are perfect for our albums, sometimes peace and quiet are needed for the things we need, like reading a good book (White Line Fever, Run to Hills), playing videogames (Brütal Legend), or watch a DVD (Outlander).

What will keep a baby quite is pretty simple. A pacifier. Of course, not any pacifier will do the job as we are talking about a 'lil headbanger, and that means he/she will chew up and spit out the pacifier and scream his lungs out. What is needed here is a pacifier that will match his internal instinct of being a Metalhead, and that's where todays post delivers one of the most Metal pacifiers (never thought I would find myself saying this) to grace this planet.

Introducing the Pirate Pacifier.

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Channel 13 Official Chalice

As promised from a previous post, this is Halloweens retaliation. For what reason Halloween is retaliating? The Christmas Holidays nudging in on what is considered our territory. It's only fitting if Christmas can invade Halloween, than Halloween can invade Christmas. Think of it like the Nightmare Before Christmas, but with trinkets. Metal trinkets. Onward to the North Pole to conquer Santas Workshop and make some real toys for the tormented kiddies.

As you can probably tell by the many beer posts we have had in Channel 13's existence, one object has become synonymous with our coverage the beverage Metalheads drink. B6E6E6R \m/ . It's plastic may be of crap construction, but it's menacing grin is all evil. It's tall stature is recognizable by the many who see it, and it has played supporting but very crucial role in halls of Channel 13.

Introducing Channel 13's Offical Chalice.

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Skull Bottle Opener

Say what you will about Target and the people who shop there, but one cannot deny their Halloween section is amongst the best "brick and mortar" stores have to offer.

I for one have made many treks to Target to find plenty of Halloween items that are Metal worthy, as well as the occasional "real life" necessities.

Today we look at an item that is practically a mandatory possession to have in a Metalheads person at all time. The bottle opener \m/

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Shock Top End of the World Midnight Wheat Ale

Anheuser-Busch. Worst beer company in the world. Before being taken over by InBev (and even after), the mere thought of their beverages strikes a chord of disgust amongst those who know a REAL beer. Their long and extensive (like a turd) portfolio of beers is a who's who of why crappy beers exist.

While Anheuser-Busch kept churning out shit product after shit shit product, there was hope that this company can produce a decent beer, and the Nectar Gods finally granted mercy on a company whose track record can only be rivaled by the likes of a Jaguar Automobile. The beer in question is Shock Top, and the reason it is the only successful brand in their portfolio is for 1 simple reason; it is a Belgian-style beer. I had the opportunity to try Shock Top and to say it "shocked" (every pun intended) me would be an understatement.

As with any beer brand, there are seasonal flavors that come into the picture. Usually, they'll add extra ingredients and/or flavors or take the ingredients that makes their beer and make it in a different way.

Today's post is about their most Metal offering. End of the World Midnight Wheat Ale

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Skeleton Hand Oven Mitt

Cooking. Until recently, was seen as the way "civilized people" eat. We Metalheads prefer to eat our meals when it's alive ( \m/ ), and while this might be against the law (covering the gamut from animal torture to murder), we needed to evolve from the way we eat.

These days, we have evolved (though once in a while we prefer to do it zombie-style) to the point where we have our own approach to a meal.

With any evolution, comes the eventual tools to make it happen, and even on a subject like cooking tools are ever more important.

Introducing the Skeleton Hand Oven Mitt.

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Long time no hear...

Hey everybody,

I know the updates have not been up as promised, but the usual (work, school, life, etc) has once again reared its ugly head and taken its toll on my free time, so the usual apology is not too far away.

This post is to give you a heads up that I'll be in the Barge to Hell ( ) this upcoming Monday, December 3 and I'll be coming back December 7. So some more of the absence I am known for (this time justified, it's a Metal fest... on a boat... yeah... huh-huh, huh-huh).

Also, you'll notice The Great Cheyenne's upcoming dates section in the left side of Channel 13. As my way of saying thanks, I will have her future events posted here to aid a fellow Metal Legion in the global conquest of the weak and timid and bring forth the fury of hellacious torment.

As for future posts for Channel 13, I have some interesting concepts coming about that will make the wait worth it as we will have a holiday retaliation that has been long overdue, some arts and crafts that will fit the armor we are known for wearing perfectly, as well as showcasing the stupidity that Metal Legions are known for having once in a while.

That's it for now, but as always, many \m/ HEAVY \m/ thanks for the patience. Look on the bright side, at least you can still view past posts and even the syndication's that can keep you entertained for some more time to come.

Laters \m/
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Deny Six Feet Under entry to Barge to Hell

Folks, this just came into the wire.

It seems somebody has started a petition to deny Six Feet Blunder entry into the Barge to Hell.

The back story behind this was a "fight" (nobody knows the REAL facts, but let's stick with the quotation marks since it involved 2 of Metals most annoying members and bands) that happened between Chris Barnes (of Six Feet Blunder) and Travis Ryan (of Cattle Flatulation) recently. The original story can be found here and a follow up here (courtesy of Blabbermouth).

I for one have already signed it, and while this won't do anything to get Six Feet Blunder off the Barge to Hell, it still pretty fun to support such an endeavor.

Click here for the petition.
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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dialogues of the Steel Jaws of Death: The Great Cheyenne

Pro Wrestling. A spectacle enjoyed by Metalheads since the dawn of time. This form of entertainment has been woven together with Metal throughout history and they belong to each other like peanut butter and jelly, spikes and studs on a denim vest & the ever epical unification of Punk and Traditional Heavy Metal (which gave birth to Thrash Metal \m/).

While wrestling by itself is as Metal as it gets, sometimes there comes individuals who take it to a HUGE level of \m/ HEAVINESS \m/, and the likes of The Legion of Doom (aka The Road Warriors, Animal & Hawk (can't forget Power Warrior & Puke)), Demolition, The Heavy Metal Sisters, The Undertaker, Jerry Lynn, Chris Jericho & Balls Mahoney have accomplished such a feat. Today we look at another wrestler who has successfully reached the \m/ HEAVY \m/ plateau and even surpassed it (by being a mother at the same time \m/ ).

Today's Dialogues of the Steel Jaws of Death is none other than The Great Cheyenne.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Minor Comeback from my Exodus

Good evening,

I have decided to come back for a day from my break to bring to you 3 very awesome things to the forefront of Channel 13:

1) Dunkin Donuts Pentagram Creme Donut. This was discovered by accident as I was working with the next 2 items:

2) I now have Twitter ( , thanks for the inspiration Cheyenne), so sign up to get news on update for Channel 13, Metal Trek and every other silly thing that come across my mind (within the confines of 140 words or less).

3) The headliner of the batch, as I had the opportunity to interview Steff from Steff Metal ( ). As said before and will be said many times afterwards, Steff is one of my inspirations for hitting the world of blogging, and this is my honored opportunity to get in depth with someone who I hold a high regard and a great deal of respect, and considering the answers to my questions, this is one interview that will be very enlightening and encouraging.

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Dialogues of the Steel Jaws of Death: Steff of Steff Metal

Today's special guest is someone who I look up to and is a \m/ HEAVY \m/ inspiration in my blogging endeavors. When I first encountered her blog, she showcased a blog that goes beyond the album reviews, beyond the band interviews and beyond the concert reviews.

She runs a blog that gives substance and soul to what a Metal Blog is supposed to be about and more. She tames killer cats of the homicidal variety. She is the Alpha and Omega of Metal Fashion. Most important, she is an icon of the world of Heavy Metal and didn't need a weapon of the Steel Gods (aka a guitar, bass, drum and/or mic) to stake her place in Valhalla.

Channel 13 presents today's Dialogues of the Steel Jaws of Death: Steff of Steff Metal.

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Dunkin Donuts Pentagram Creme Donut

Donuts. A food typically found in Metalheads diet. By themselves, they are somewhat Metal for the following reasons:

1) They are incredibly unhealthy (Slaughter by the Dough).
2) They can usually be found 24/7 just about anywhere. You can also find plenty of Metalheads in said places looking for a late night snack or to hang out after a concert in the wee hours of the evening.
3) Like with Metal, have many different variations in the family (Gelatin Ash Metal, aka the Jelly Donut & Arctic Frozen Plain Metal, aka the Glazed Donut).

While donuts are in their own right able to claim the might and strength of steel, very few Donuts are able to procure the greatness of being the flag-bearer.

Introducing Dunkin Donuts Pentagram Creme Donut.

While not officially named "Pentagram Creme Donut", this is the best way to name the pastry from the Devils pantry \m/

For you Pagans/Wiccans out there...

This donut is essentially is one of the many takes on the classic Boston Creme, a legend amongst pastry ranks.

I managed to find this donut while updating Channel 13 with the Steff Metal interview, and to say this is a 1 - 2 combo punch would put the likes of Ryu, Ken, Sagat to shame. Best way to set up a kick ass interview is with a evil donut.
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Monday, October 8, 2012

Metal Trek at Full Operational Capacity and a Short Exodus

Folks, Metal Trek ( ) is now running at full capacity. The errors on the Euro Metal Fest 2011 have been fixed and are ready for your viewing pleasure.

As indicated before, I am taking some time off from Metal Trek and Channel 13 ( ), so if there are no updates, now you know.

I have major plans for both blogs as I have some projects that I want to unleash to the world, annd these will be my avenues to do it.
Check it out and thanks for your patience and understanding.
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Recent Updates and Some Small News

Metal Trek was recently updated with The Maiden Voyage Section. This is the most crucial part of the blog as this will provide all the information on how to travel to a Metal Festival right down to the dollar. This was a long process as I had to do some MAJOR revisions from the Wacken Trek edition, and that's why it couldn't join the launch of Metal Trek. Check it out \m/

The Euro Metal Fest Tour 2011 has been revamped with proper links so it is no longer linking to the old Wacken Trek website. One thing I need to mention is that the Vienna portion had to be taken down due to a mistake I did and as a result, I need to fix it before bringing it back up again.

The Last Day, Schwag and Thank You post have been split into 4 components as it was too big for all the pictures to be seen (the pics were not loading properly). This also make for an easier read so you can pace yourself and go by "chapters" instead of one big read.

Once I have fixed the issue with the Vienna post, I am taking a small break from blogging as I need some personal "ME" time. Once I am done with my break, I will re-focus my attention on Metal Trek and Channel 13.

I also have plans on on re-posting my 2011 Maiden Weekend and the 2012 Iced Earth Florida Tour, but instead of just posting the pics, I will re-haul them for a proper blog post (in other words, a lot of senseless commentary on the trips from yours truly =D ).

Finally, the countdown to the Barge To Hell continues and as indicated some time ago, I managed to get in to the cruise thanks to Vaughan Pollard as he and his buddies had one more space left and offered it to me. I don't have to say how fortunate I was for this opportunity and how grateful I am to him for making this happen. For obvious reasons, my trip will be extensively covered and it will be Metal Trek's first original post.

That's it for now, but I want to say thank you to all who have passed by Metal Trek and Channel 13 and enjoyed my style of Metal Entertainment and Information.

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Metal Treks Launch

As some of you know, I ran a website called Wacken Trek ( that has been a blast to run, but as a result of some deep thinking and overall attempts to make the most out that website, a new direction will take its place, Metal Trek (

As with Wacken Trek, Metal Trek will be it's own entity focusing on the travels related to Metal, but the scope will be on more than just Wacken.

The blog jut recently launched and it is still under construction, but eventually will materialize into my vision of what a travel website/blog should be all about, loads of information and examples about Metal Travel.

Check it out and let me know what you think?

Many \m/ HEAVY \m/ thanks!6!6!6!
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Small Updates

Good evening ladies and gents.

As you can tell by now, Channel 13 just underwent a small restructuring to better organize the content on the homepage. You now have everything on the left (or right, depending on how you look at things) hand side that is considered the side dishes, where as on the right (or left,depending on your political affiliation) side you have the main event, aka the latest posts.

Also, I am now syndicating what is the Internets very first parody site about Metal, The Official Metal Mockery Site!, courtesy of the fine folks from . I-Mockery was also one of my first Internet experience and his website has provided many years of shits and giggles for. Also, check out their biggest endeavor yet, Abobo's Big Adventure. This is a flash based game that will tug on the hearts of those who were in trenches during the 8-Bit Wars (aka, The Original NES VS The Sega Master System).

Check out I-Mockery and all of its glory that only the internet can deliver.

MANY \m/ HEAVY \m/ ROG!6!6!6!!
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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kalloprion Kilmisteri & Kingnites Diamondi

Science, a subject Metal fans have a knack for. When it comes to understanding things in ways most people can't/won't, we go there and give the genetic deep thorough thought process. Our mental capacity is above average at worst, and our society is able to make the most out of things the average person are just unable to do so due to being behind in the evolution chain.

Today we look at how one of our own, Dr. Mats E Eriksson (Associate Professor of Paleontology - Department of Geology at Lund University in Lund, Sweden), managed to find 2 specimens of worms from our planets very ancient past and christen them after 2 of Heavy Metals key icons, Lemmy Kilmister (official scientific name Kalloprion Kilmisteri) and King Diamond (official scientific name Kingnites diamondi).

The first of the 2, Kalloprion Kilmisteri, is a 428-million year old jaw of a extinct marine polychaete annelid worm that was found found in the Silurian strata of Gotland, Sweden (Talk about finding something Metal in a Metal place).

The second of the 2, Kingnites diamondi, is a 420-million year old bone and jaw remains of a polychaete annelid (another marine worm) was found in Silurian rocks in Sweden and Estonia (look, I know Scandinavia is a hot bed for Metal both in the modern and ancient worlds, but this is really taking away from the Vikings as being the first Metalheads).

Credits: Blabbermouth (Kalloprion Kilmisteri story here & Kingnites diamondi story here) for the news and Bravewords and Bloody Knuckles (Story here) for the fossil pictures and Terrorizer (Pic found here) for the pic of the good doc.
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Paper House Productions Guitar Magnetic Bookmarks

In the last 10 years or so, the Metal Fans reading armament has increased significantly with the likes of Lemmy Kilmister releasing his autobiography White Line Fever, Iron Maidens biography Run to the Hills, and Annick Giroux Hellbent for Cooking: The Heavy Metal Cookbook. While these are just modern examples, there plenty of other books out there with the Metal subject taking even more space in the library shelves.

As discussed prior, since a Metal fans life can be busy at times (with all the concerts/festivals/house parties/traveling/working/studying/etc.), sometimes we need to put the book down in order to address these necessities.

But what is a Metal fan to do when there are so many books and trying to keep track of all the chapters? That's where Paper House Productions comes into the picture with their Guitar Magnetic Bookmarks.

I managed to pick these up at Office Max, and for about $2, you got a major bargain that is usually not seen these days.

We'll begin with the least Metal (or not Metal at all) guitar and progressively go from here so we can save the best for last. First up is the Fender Jaguar. This model is usually reserved for hipsters and greaser punks.

As you can see from the back of the bookmark, the magnets are there, and the magic trick they do to save your spot is very simple but "special".

Next on the list is the Telecaster model. Again, another instrument that is not so Metal, but at least it's a lot better than the Jaguar.

We now move into the serious territory as the next model is the all too familiar Stratocaster. This instrument is *almost* a required guitar to have if you are a electric guitar player. I don't have to go down the list of Metal musicians that at one time or another used this model, but just to be on the safe side, here are some of them: Adrian Smith, Dave Murray, Morgan Steinmeyer Håkansson, Ritchie Blackmore.

This is the headliner of the batch as we have the Jackson Dinky guitar. I call this the "AK47" of the electric guitar world as it is Jacksons most basic and widely distributed model, and all levels (from their J-Series to Custom shops, and everything in between) are reliable and of quality, the appearance of the guitar is ready to hit the stage regardless if it is wiped down or dirty and grimy, and extremely affordable (starting at $200).

Not that this was needed, but the instruction are printed in the back for the proper use of this device. As simple as pi (3.14159265359...).

A simple fold of the bookmark and the magnets lock the page in place.

For those who tend to complicate simple tasks, here is an example of how to utilize these bookmarks. First, grab your favorite book about Metal.

Second, read and when you are done reading, hold the page in place.

Third, place the bookmark on top of the page that needs to be saved for future continuation of the text passages.

Fourth, and the final step, close book.

To continue reading, just grab book, open to where the bookmark is safely holding your spot, and continue.

While as awesome as these bookmarks are, I'll be the first to admit that I wished all four bookmarks were Jacksons instead of just 1. Imagine it, you would have a Randy Rhoads, a Kelly, and a Warrior. While we're dreaming, we might as well dream a Jackson Guitars Death Angel as well \m/
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Wychwood Wychcraft English Blonde Pale Ale

Witchcraft. This is something some Metal Fans (especially the Black Metal Legions) have at one time or another "toyed" with the idea with varying degrees of success. Sometimes, the results leave the fans looking more foolish than normal (think about the King of the Hill episode "The Witches of East Arlen" where Bobby was hanging out with a group of "wizards" and was almost made to drink dogs blood), lots of dead animals (this is what you call roadkill without the vehicle), or some dead people (which the fans were foolish enough to get caught in the act).

Sometimes, these acts of Witchcraft were inspired either by stories of long ago, places that are unintentionally Metal, or by a night of hard drinking.

Todays post focuses on that night of hard drinking, but no regular booze will do the job needed to inspire the witch inside Metal fans. This booze will leave us Riding the Broomstick. Introducing Wychwood Wychcraft English Blonde Pale Ale.

As indicated before, Wychwood Brewery selection in the name for this beverage is not by coincidence as Witches (the real ones) are known to live in forests.

The double take, just to be sure of the type of beverage we are consuming.

The beer is a weird blonde pale ale as typically it is supposed to be smooth, but has a minor but good abrasive aftertaste.

This explains the abrasive part of the beverage.

The company has so far batted 2 for 2, and if I'm not mistaken, it's almost as if witches are running the brewery...

When opened, you will descend upon those who wronged you with the might of Mannon.

Mannon's rage knows no limit.

At 4.5% alcohol content, this beer won't knock you quickly, but then again, it might be going after the backdoor approach, as most witches are known for attacking from behind (the astral wall that is).

On a Metal sidenote, the company currently has a giveaway promotion called Full Volume. What is up for grabs are 3 guitars, one of which is very Metal.

To wrap up this post with the current subject, the beers quality is definitely on the "average" side of things, meaning it is not bad, but nothing special or out of this world. Than again, maybe the brewery needs to scale back the bat whiskers, troll teeth, rats head, and maybe it will have a better beverage.

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