Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dialogues of the Steel Jaws of Death: The Great Cheyenne

Pro Wrestling. A spectacle enjoyed by Metalheads since the dawn of time. This form of entertainment has been woven together with Metal throughout history and they belong to each other like peanut butter and jelly, spikes and studs on a denim vest & the ever epical unification of Punk and Traditional Heavy Metal (which gave birth to Thrash Metal \m/).

While wrestling by itself is as Metal as it gets, sometimes there comes individuals who take it to a HUGE level of \m/ HEAVINESS \m/, and the likes of The Legion of Doom (aka The Road Warriors, Animal & Hawk (can't forget Power Warrior & Puke)), Demolition, The Heavy Metal Sisters, The Undertaker, Jerry Lynn, Chris Jericho & Balls Mahoney have accomplished such a feat. Today we look at another wrestler who has successfully reached the \m/ HEAVY \m/ plateau and even surpassed it (by being a mother at the same time \m/ ).

Today's Dialogues of the Steel Jaws of Death is none other than The Great Cheyenne.

I6Z6A6N - When did you begin your run as Metalhead and how did it start?

The Great Cheyenne - I started listening to metal at a very young age - ten or eleven

I6Z6A6N - When you created your wrestling character, did Metal play a role (minor and/or major) in its creation?

The Great Cheyenne - Metal has always been a part of me …whatever I do if it requires perseverance and motivation… heavy metal is at the heart of it, it gets me through, it’s like the drill Sargent that doesn’t let you quit, when no one else is there.

I6Z6A6N - Metal and Wrestling have always had a relationship with each other on many different fronts (theme entrance music, imagery, atmosphere, etc.). Has Metal in any way inspired your entry in the world of professional wrestling?

The Great Cheyenne – OMG! The very first thought that ever entered my head when I heard Doro’s “Fight” was – “That is my song!”  I have been wrestling for a little over 12 years and this has been my entrance since my first match … every word of that song was The Great Cheyenne back then but now it isn’t just me is the Nation of Hellions who believe in what I stand for good and bad, and what they as true fans of wrestling relate to. Metal didn’t directly inspire me to become a wrestler; it went a step further than that,  it inspired me at a young age to have a strong heart backed by an unbreakable will- just an all-out ballsy way of being yourself and not a follower, no matter who gets in your face and tries to shut you down . I guess you could say it affected my identity.

I6Z6A6N - As a new fan, I am very impressed with your character. Typically, the best wrestling characters are the performers who are allowed to be themselves on the ever epical Volume "11" setting. Is your character an extension of who you are deep inside?

The Great Cheyenne – ha-ha first of all THANKS! I am truly flattered and appreciate the compliment.

My character is me to the thousandth power. I truly believe we all have a good and bad side, plain as night and day. We all have history as well. I just decided since I was always a heel I was going to take advantage of the opportunity and turn my negatives into positives. I think it’s important to accept who you are. I am a very righteous person and the world doesn’t cater to us. Life’s let downs leave a lot of heartbreak and anger. We all know life hits you hard, we have all been there. It gets you down and if you don’t get back up you get trampled. Instead of losing myself into a vice, depression or a life of ill deeds, I just chose to put my bad heart into The Great Cheyenne and be a strong example for someone who might need it. This is one of my connections with my Hellions.

I6Z6A6N - What would you consider to be the greatest Metal concert you have personally attended?

The Great Cheyenne – Five Finger Death punch- I am in love with IVAN! He is an awesome singer and performer that band has balls out heart, guts and bloody talent!

I6Z6A6N - Who would you say is the most Metal wrestler (singles or tag team) of all time (aside from yourself =P)?

The Great Cheyenne - Triple HHH, I mean for Lemmy to sing your theme, it doesn’t get more metal than that! Motorhead and the whole Barbarian drag your knuckles look that is metal!

I6Z6A6N - One thing I notice about your character is that it is emotionally involved in the torture and punishment of its victims (err, opponents). Was this a result of many years of listening to Metal Music or was this an even more evil and sinister motivation from the deep bowels of your inner-self?

The Great Cheyenne - ha-ha I love your questions! I am thinking you top all interviews I have done right up to this point.

Yes it was but the metal influence is only a portion of it. The dominating core, intensity, the heart and balls of metal is a staple for sure!  My inner bowels or I should say my uterus is also definitely the inception of The Great Cheyenne’s ferocity, ha-ha. There are so many other influences as well. Horror movies like The Exorcist, Trilogy of Terrors and Damien all played a role, because when I was a kid they scared the hell out of me. I understood fear very well so I want to bring this same fear the exorcist did into the ring. I also grew up on great cartoons from back in the day. Every one of those cartoons had a great villain. As an only child for years, I watched countless hours of great TV. Wile E. Coyote, Tom and Jerry, The Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz, Cruella DeVille, I mean I can go on and on. There are plenty of really great villains that were in movies, plays and metal music. These are some influences on my character.

Some of my sinister motivation also comes from growing up in Chicago’s west side. If you know anything about Chicago’s history, you know it wasn’t easy. You had to learn to fight to stay safe. It’s still the same there that’s why I love when we do shows there, those kids love our shows. The ones fighting to survive, they’re my little hellions.

I6Z6A6N - Your theme entrance, "Fight" by the ever glorious and well respected member of our community Doro Pesch, is a very good selection and tells A LOT about the individual. Any particular reason why this song was chosen?

The Great Cheyenne – Every word in that song expresses with intensity how I feel. I don’t ever intend on becoming anything less than what I was meant to be, for me and those I love no matter how hard the world tries to make me less or hold me down. I won’t sell out or betray you if you are mine or with me.  When I feel strongly about something or someone, I am willing to do anything for you to help you. I stand firm, I will “FIGHT “to the death if its needed...that is just me. Doro’s song is perfect!  The music- it moves me... it puts me in THAT ZONE before I step out to do my thing.

I6Z6A6N - Any new Metal albums that have been blistered "by" your ears?

The Great Cheyenne – The Great Cheyenne is a professed “Knucklehead” what can I say?! FFDP is EPIC!!!!! “American Capitalist” – The Pride!!! Only the strong survive and become part of …The Pride.

I6Z6A6N - We have now come to your 13 Sins, aka your top 13 Metal Albums. It can be in order or in no order, and to take a comment from a Mexican Lucha Libre commentator, "dispara pistolera":

The Great Cheyenne -

1) Five Finger Death Punch (Number ONE!)
2) Amorphis
3) Night Wish
4) Iron Maiden
5) Iced Earth
6) Megadeth
7) Fireflight
8) Apocalyptica
9) Rise Against
10) Halestorm
11) Venom
12) Judas Priest
13) Motorhead and TONS more!

I6Z6A6N - What would you say is your biggest accomplishment as a wrestler?

The Great Cheyenne – Overcoming the odds, never quitting, and the constant pursuit of what makes me happy.

Wrestling in front of masses of over 22,000 people in Asia and 30,000 at Chicago’s Riot Fest 2012 have to be my greatest accomplishments. Visiting Mt. Everest in Nepal on a wrestling tour was also epic and inspirational for me. That was something I might not have done but wrestling gave me that great memory. My hard work in wrestling literally put me on top of the world.

I6Z6A6N - And to follow up with a similar question, what you would you say is your biggest accomplishment as a Metal fan?

The Great Cheyenne – I have to say bringing awesome music to a forefront on a show consistently and of course meeting Doro Pesch and telling her that “FIGHT” is the best tune ever, it’s my entrance song for years. That song was exactly what I needed. She was awesome about it!

I6Z6A6N - Have you had a chance to meet Metal fans during your performances and what has their feedback been to you and/or your performance/character?

The Great Cheyenne – The result is my loyal Legion of Hellions – Militant Great Cheyenne fans, need I say more? They know I have MAD RABID HONEST LOVE for them! I am so grateful for their support and great hearts.

I6Z6A6N - The following question takes from your experience as a mother. Would you allow your children to listen to Metal music and would you recommend other parents to follow suit as well?

The Great Cheyenne – My kids went to concerts with me when they were 9 and 10 years old, that was Megadeth and Iced Earth. My kids sang Iron maiden tunes when they could barely start speaking… HELL YEAH! Life by any means is about choices, I believe things do influence you ...but I also believe that music can be a great outlet. People will decide on their own if they are bad or good. Me I would DIE without music!! I also believe musicians are very intelligent insightful individuals. I have seen ART make you SMART-I classify music as art no matter the genre. I refuse to blame music for someone’s choice to do wrong!

I6Z6A6N - To continue harnessing from your motherly experience, do you feel Metal Music can definitely help a kid in their upbringing and even inspire them to greatness?

The Great Cheyenne – Hell Yeah! Look at me! Metal music is powerful and strong to the core. I think it instills individuality and a sense of leadership from that strong core. I feel it motivates you when you need that extra push to reach your finish line.

I6Z6A6N - To wrap up this interview, do you continue seeing yourself as a Metal fan and for how long?

The Great Cheyenne – Are you kidding me!? I will be a DIE HARD metal fan till I die and then in the after world.

I6Z6A6N - That's all the questions I have for you, is there any final words you wish to leave to the world of Heavy Metal?

The Great Cheyenne – \m/ ROCK ON FOR LIFE! \m/

I6Z6A6N - Thank you for your time and stay HEAVY \m/!6!6!6!

The Great Cheyenne - HELLFIRE SYMPHONY FOR LIFE!(name also inspired by metal)  Thank you for such a great interview! The pleasure was all mine!

Photos courtesy of The Great Cheyenne’s Facebook and their respected photographers.

For more information on the Great Cheyenne, please visit the following links:

Twitter - @thegr8cheyenne 

L.O.U.I.S. Wrestling Profile -
Chicago Now -
Linked In Profile -
YouTube Promo Reel -

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