I think by now we have established the importance headphones are to a Metalheads armory since this is where our motivation, inspiration & concentration comes from.
Think about it, without headphones, the only thing we have to listen to our tunes are speakers, and while they do the job just fine, a concentrated dose of Metal can only be achieved through the point of a earbud (our version of the needlepoint) stuck right in our ears.
While there are plenty of headphones that can accommodate our listening habits, only a few can reach the level of the Lightning Gods, and today we look at possibly the most powerful deliverer of Thunder Strike in the cerebral cortex.
Introducing Hypes Skull Earbuds.

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Think about it, without headphones, the only thing we have to listen to our tunes are speakers, and while they do the job just fine, a concentrated dose of Metal can only be achieved through the point of a earbud (our version of the needlepoint) stuck right in our ears.
While there are plenty of headphones that can accommodate our listening habits, only a few can reach the level of the Lightning Gods, and today we look at possibly the most powerful deliverer of Thunder Strike in the cerebral cortex.
Introducing Hypes Skull Earbuds.