Monday, April 23, 2012

Skylanders Adventure Pack Darklight Crypt

There comes a time when you find something that was never meant to to be Metal that somehow finds its way to our Holy Land with an offering that definitely represents our culture best.

Spyro is a videogame that is NOT Metal as it involves a cartoonish looking dragon with some storyline of a no-goodnik doing something bad and it is up to Spyro and his buddies to stop said no-goodnik and blah, blah, blah, blah (you get the idea of how irrelevant this has to do with Metal music and it's culture).

So why are we talking about a video-game that has nothing to do with Metal? Because one of the characters happens to be an excellent representative of our culture in a place where our music has no business being in the first place.

Introducing Ghost Roaster and his Darklight Crypt set.

At first glance of this set, I thought this was some kind of action figure set for fans of the series to collect, but after further review, there's more to this than what is being let on... at least to those who don't know what the whole Spyro and his blah blah adventure is.

Here we have a good look at Ghost Roaster. A little bit of a back ground story as his credentials of being Metal are in order. Please note the following was taken from the Spyro Wikia section of Ghost Roaster:

"There was a time when Ghost Roaster was neither a ghost nor a roaster. Instead he was a chef living in a village high in the mountains. One day, while clipping wool from a sheep to use in a recipe, he accidentally fell into the Valley of the Undead and transformed into a ghost eating ghoul! After eating an entire spectral village, its Ethereal Ruler chained Ghost Roaster to a spiked ball as punishment. Its rattle can be heard as he wanders the night, warning nearby spirits. When Master Eon eventually heard of his predicament, he figured even a ghost eater could be useful. So he made Ghost Roaster a Skylander... after he promised to eat only evil ghosts."

So as you see it seems Ghost Roaster has the "Grave Digger" touch to his character.

The best part of this set is the crypt as it bears a menacing looking skull with tethered black wings. If I ever make it to a cartoon fantasy land and die there, I want this to be my grave.

Here we have some additional items the Ghost Roaster utilizes in the game.

As mentioned earlier, this is more than a trinket set for those who worship Ghost Roaster as it is a play set that is interactive with the video game by releasing the Ghost Roaster portion of the game. For somebody like me who is a product of the 80's, this reminds me of Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future, except this set most likely works better than the Captain Power action figures of yesterday.

Of course, if you don't have the goods for the set to be interactive with the game, you can always apply the code and get to the Ghost Roasters chapter of the game.

Overall, this set is Metal if you are looking for a cute side of Metal that isn't weakening the music at all. If anything, Ghost Roaster should have his own TV show.

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