The biker culture. As Deena Weinsteins book “Heavy Metal: The Music and Its Culture” indicated, half of Metals fashion and attitude comes from Harley riding maniacs, and if you take a look at our patch & pin infested vests and our anti-social behavior, the evidence is crystal clear. The other half is from hippies (The fact we can listen to Metal for hours straight without the need of refueling, the long hair, and the choice of drug amongst Metal fans is weed (Side note, I know this is debatable, but if you have gone to plenty of Metal shows, you‘ll know exactly what I am talking about.), we can see how our society came to be.
Todays post is about our future, the Children of Metal. While kids may be too young to ride a full size motorcycle, we can definitely inject that feeling at a very early age without resorting to needles with the Fisher Price Tough Trike Harley Davidson Edition.

The recommended age for this trike is for kids between 2 to 5 years old, so you can definitely get a good solid 3 years out of it before graduating them into regular bicycles.
The trike features some HEAVY tires and even a storage area.

The best part about this trike is that it looks very Metal, and definitely grabbed everyones attention with the Harley orange and black call sign emblazoned all over it.
The bad part, you have to assemble it, but it’s not as bad as it seems. If anything, you’ll feel like you’re re-enacting the scene from Brütal Legend when Eddie builds the Killmasters Trike. Talk about a Metal inspiration for a build.

On second thought, I take it back. The march to a Metal Christmas begins. Here are the parts.

Than there’s the manual, nothing too complicated, but than again, assembly required.

The process begins by attaching the seat to the body of the trike.

Place the rear tires to the body. A side note, this was the toughest part of the whole endeavor.

Next was inputting the pedal hubs on the front tire.

Than connecting the fork with the front tire.

After completing the front part of the trike, it came time to attach it to the body and place the handlebars.

Finally, it was sticker time.

So your wondering, with all the goods I buy for this blog, what could a man 25 years too old for a Tough Trike can do with an awesome gift of the Metal Gods? Give it to his nephew as a Christmas present.
Since this is a very Metal gift to give to a very awesome kid, I needed a very Metal Christmas gift wrap. Since I didn’t have any skull/iron cross/pentagram gift wrap, I had to go with the next best option, the Wacken Open Air Beach Towel I procured from my previous trip to drape the gift.

I will say that when the blanket was lifted and the Tough Trike was unveiled, he was as happy as one can be and looks like it was the best gift he got for this Christmas.
So what was the finally tally to bring a Metal Christmas to a very lucky nephew, $19.99 plus taxes.
Looking back, I am glad I got this for my nephew, as it definitely made my holidays and added to a very Metal Christmas.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and HEAVY New Year everyone!6!6!6!
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Todays post is about our future, the Children of Metal. While kids may be too young to ride a full size motorcycle, we can definitely inject that feeling at a very early age without resorting to needles with the Fisher Price Tough Trike Harley Davidson Edition.
The recommended age for this trike is for kids between 2 to 5 years old, so you can definitely get a good solid 3 years out of it before graduating them into regular bicycles.
The trike features some HEAVY tires and even a storage area.
The best part about this trike is that it looks very Metal, and definitely grabbed everyones attention with the Harley orange and black call sign emblazoned all over it.
The bad part, you have to assemble it, but it’s not as bad as it seems. If anything, you’ll feel like you’re re-enacting the scene from Brütal Legend when Eddie builds the Killmasters Trike. Talk about a Metal inspiration for a build.
On second thought, I take it back. The march to a Metal Christmas begins. Here are the parts.
Than there’s the manual, nothing too complicated, but than again, assembly required.
The process begins by attaching the seat to the body of the trike.
Place the rear tires to the body. A side note, this was the toughest part of the whole endeavor.
Next was inputting the pedal hubs on the front tire.
Than connecting the fork with the front tire.
After completing the front part of the trike, it came time to attach it to the body and place the handlebars.
Finally, it was sticker time.
So your wondering, with all the goods I buy for this blog, what could a man 25 years too old for a Tough Trike can do with an awesome gift of the Metal Gods? Give it to his nephew as a Christmas present.
Since this is a very Metal gift to give to a very awesome kid, I needed a very Metal Christmas gift wrap. Since I didn’t have any skull/iron cross/pentagram gift wrap, I had to go with the next best option, the Wacken Open Air Beach Towel I procured from my previous trip to drape the gift.
I will say that when the blanket was lifted and the Tough Trike was unveiled, he was as happy as one can be and looks like it was the best gift he got for this Christmas.
So what was the finally tally to bring a Metal Christmas to a very lucky nephew, $19.99 plus taxes.
Looking back, I am glad I got this for my nephew, as it definitely made my holidays and added to a very Metal Christmas.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and HEAVY New Year everyone!6!6!6!