Fashion. Something Metalheads exceed in without trying. Our sense of fashion is renowned for being easily identifiable to anybody. When you consider what consists of our wardrobe, it is basically 1 pair of jeans, a battle vest with a toilet bowl full of patches and plenty of black t-shirts (size XL). While its easy to see how we all look alike, the differences lie in the details of what is emblazoned on the shirt and the vest.
While the ranks of Metalheads are aware of the credibility that comes with wearing such wardrobe, every once in a while there is the encounter with an outsider who wears a Metal shirt due to the fashionable nature of such wardrobe (especially from the big box retailers a la Wal-Mart, Target and Kmart). While this can be quickly resolved with the word "poser" being shouted at such individual, today's posts involves a reputable individual from the enemy camp.
Tarnished Iron presents Kokon Tozai Spring Summer 2013 Clothing Line. I know this flew over your head, but if you look at your Facebook/Twitter/Random Metal website and-or blog on-or around May 17, 2013, the following picture was emblazoned on your smartphone/tablet/laptop/desktop and you either A) got a chuckle or B) got enraged (depending on the band shirt you are wearing at that moment).
Photo Courtesy of Random Metal website and-or blog
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While the ranks of Metalheads are aware of the credibility that comes with wearing such wardrobe, every once in a while there is the encounter with an outsider who wears a Metal shirt due to the fashionable nature of such wardrobe (especially from the big box retailers a la Wal-Mart, Target and Kmart). While this can be quickly resolved with the word "poser" being shouted at such individual, today's posts involves a reputable individual from the enemy camp.
Tarnished Iron presents Kokon Tozai Spring Summer 2013 Clothing Line. I know this flew over your head, but if you look at your Facebook/Twitter/Random Metal website and-or blog on-or around May 17, 2013, the following picture was emblazoned on your smartphone/tablet/laptop/desktop and you either A) got a chuckle or B) got enraged (depending on the band shirt you are wearing at that moment).